IBM Academic Initiative
IBM Academic Initiative

Rational SEED Program

The Programs offered under IBM Rational are Faculty Development Programs. The IBM Rational SEED and IBM Rational SEED for Quality are exclusive programs, each bringing its own areas of expertise.

Given below are the features of both the Programs

IBM Rational SEED Program

This is a Train the Trainer Program and the important features are - 

  • A 4 - day training on visual modeling using Rational Software Architect and understanding of other rational tools for software engineering disciplines using Rational Suite.
  • Courseware for Faculties:
    • Essentials of Visual Modeling with UML 2.0
    • Essentials of Rational Software Architect
  • Course Material for Library
    • Essentials of Rational RequisitePro
    • Essentials of Rational ClearCase
    • Mastering Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML 2.0
    • Fundamentals of Rational Rose
    • Essentials of Rational Application Developer
    • Essentials of Test Management with Rational Test Manager
  • Participation Certificates
  • An MoU will be signed between Institute and IBM
  • 30 permanent licenses of IBM Rational Suite and RSA will be given to the institutes

All enrolment queries can be directed to

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IBM Rational SEED for Quality Program

This is a Train the Trainer Program and the important features are - 

  • A 4 - day hands-on, instructor led training program on Software Testing and Quality Assurance using Rational Functional Tester and Rational Quality Manager to cover the following areas
    • Essentials of the Quality Assurance Practice
    • Software Testing Life Cycle
    • Functional Testing Techniques
    • Automated Testing process, tools & scripting
  • Courseware for the Faculties:
    • Essentials of IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting
    • Rational Quality Manager
  • The course and library materials would include
    • Rational Principles of Software Testing
  • Participation Certificates
  • An MoU would be signed between the institute and IBM
  • 30 permanent licenses of Rational Functional Tester & Rational Quality Manager will be provided to the institutes

All enrolment queries can be directed to

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